Are power poses and quotes enough to keep you motivated?

We’re always keenly interested in diversity, equity and inclusion, so in this week’s news section, we explain why those topics are particularly top of mind for us. Find out what we’ve been learning and doing about this recently and how you can get involved too. Advita provides a summary of her Diversity in PR event on 14 October so if you haven’t grabbed your ticket yet, make sure you do!

Our big topic this week is all about motivation. How do you get motivated and how do you keep your motivation going, so you can achieve your goals and make an impact?

How helpful are those motivational quotes people share on social media and why does a sense of community and shared understanding help?

We share how important it is to us to have clear parameters around work time and social time and how we achieve the right balance. We talk honestly about what affects us and how we deal with those days where motivation is lacking.

We also consider how leaders can impact the motivation of their teams and how you can adjust your style and approach to motivation to match the needs of the individuals in your teams.

Throughout the conversation we refer to the following books, articles and reports:

Mel Robbins: The 5 Second Rule
Simon Sinek: Soft Skills are Human Skills
Hilary Scarlett: Neuroscience for Organizational Change
Stephen Bartlett: Happy Sexy Millionaire
Matt Haig: Notes on a Nervous Planet
Brené Brown
Amy Cuddy: re power posing
Matt Coates: 7 Types of Motivation
Justin Gasparovic
The Privilege Wheel

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