Going it alone – Rise of the entrepreneur

The global pandemic is to blame for a myriad of problems yet, equally, it’s become the catalyst to plenty of positive outcomes.

It’s given people time to think and, as they emerge from their enforced sanctuaries, the bravery to break away from their comfort zones.

Labelled The Great Resignation, the UK workforce has been evaluating whether they enjoy what they’re currently doing, where they want to be and how to get there. It’s clear from the number of new start-ups, many are grabbing entrepreneurship opportunities and heading in a completely new direction.

Those that set up during a pandemic don’t know what it’s like to run a business when NOT in a pandemic. This is a powerful place to be. Having started out during difficult times and survived brings the realisation that if you can weather a big crisis then you can also withstand mini ones.

Equally, those in an existing business took the time to ponder and pivot. Asking ‘What else can I do?’ unearthed creative ways to evolve and diversify.

You’ve got what it takes

Such individuals are motivated, empowered and confident in their own abilities to make it work.

Being an entrepreneur is exhausting at the best of times and often open to the negative observations of others. So, there’s no shame in the humble brag. The majority of people will be inspired by your achievements.

Be bold and proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Give yourself credit. Celebrate your successes. If you don’t believe in your own self-worth and capabilities, how can you expect anyone else to?

With potential redundancies on the horizon, as the government’s furlough scheme drew to a close at the end of September, more employees will find themselves either seeking new positions or taking the momentous leap to become an entrepreneur.

Remember: Life’s short. Explore what excites you rather than settle for the mundane.

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